This update is effective for guidebooks purchased before 11/01/2017
*New Reroute on The Nevada Trail - Section 7: Secret Starr Trail #25
Data leaving Secret Pass now reads:
(476.8) 1.1m DR Leave Gardner Creek by descending on a gravel Forest Service access road. Exit FS land. Reach paved NV 229.
*Camp Alert: No camping for the next 6.5m as the trail passes thru the Secret Pass Ranch. Access has been granted but gate openings/closings are subject to change, and are based on current grazing patterns. Leave all gates as you found them.
(477.9) 2.5m NV Hwy 229 Walk along the shoulder of a scenic and virtually vacant backcountry byway, north to Secret Creek and a signed trailhead for the Secret Starr Trail 25.
(480.4) 6.5m Secret Starr TR From the NV 229 pullout, the trail reaches a first gate at 0.1m. A second gate is passed thru at 0.7m. At 0.9m, turn left onto the ranch’s private access trail, near an installation. At ~1.5m, pass by 2 muck ponds then at 1.9m, top out on a first view-filled saddle. From it, traverse to a rare saddle-top creek crossing then continue climbing, following Secret Starr Trail signs. At 2.6m, turn left onto a jeep track then follow it past 2 shaded crossings of Dorsey Creek. Surpass a small meadow with a larger installation then climb to an even higher saddle. From it the trail descends then crosses a first fork of Stephens Creek. At 4m, it enters the East Humboldt Wilderness. Cross a second fork then continue to a junction with First Boulder Trail. Avoid. Continue to a junction with the Second Boulder Trail. Turn upstream, onto Second Bounder TR.
(486.9) 2.4m TR Avoid re-crossing the creek in 0.1m, at a second Second Boulder Trail sign. Go thru an inviting camp then continue up the trail to a signed junction with the Highline Trail.
*East Humboldt Highline Trail: Follow this signed but at times hard to follow trail to Boulder Lake Trail.
(489.3) 1.5m EHH TR Turn north and climb to a divide. Descend from it then cross Third Boulder Creek, met at a first trail junction. Turn upstream then reach a second trail junction.
(490.8) 0.8m Boulder Lake TR Climb to Boulder Lake.
(491.6) 4m XC Continue east from Boulder Lake, XC. Go over a rocky divide then descend a talus field. From Steele Lake’s outlet, traverse 1m - staying level - then descend along the crest of a sharp ridgeline, avoiding brush as you go. Reach a fenceline. From a rather large white stake in the line, traverse north. Cross a creek then a dry drainage. Reach a fenceline then pass thru a 1-wire gate. In 0.05m, turn onto the Weeks Creek access road.
*(2m) Hole in the Mtn Peak: To summit the highest peak in the East Humboldt Range, continue to the end of Weeks Creek Rd then follow the traditionally used route, up a prominent gully.
(495.6) 2.8m JP/TR Ascend Weeks Creek Rd for ~0.5m then go right at a fork. Follow a jeep road, which crosses Lizzies Basin Creek then narrows and becomes a trail. Pass a highpoint camp then descend gently to a creek crossing. The trail goes upstream for 0.1m then switches back, leaves it, then ends.
(498.4) 1.3m XC Until the Winchell Lake-Lizzies Basin trail is finished being built, climb around heavy brush by continuing upstream XC. Climb ~0.5m to a massive boulder then sidehill to Winchell Spires. Downclimb from the spires along the apex of the ridge. 0.1m before reaching Winchell Lake, junction with a trail.
(499.7) 3m Winchell Lake TR Follow a well-defined trail from Winchell Lake to the Winchell Lake TH, on Angel Lake Rd.
The Secret Starr Trail reroute, which was made in cooperation with the Secret Pass Ranch, eliminated 4 miles of road and 4.8 miles of jeep road in favor of 2.5 miles of road and 6.3 miles of trail.
The new Second Boulder to Winchell Lake option has eliminated travel on the East Humboldt Highline Trail; which was previously the most overgrown section of the entire Hot Springs Trail.
The Secret Starr, Second Boulder, and Winchell Lake Trails are each worthy of their own weekend exploration. These trail segments are scenic improvements to what was already a scenic section.
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