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3 Ways to Recover Fast on a Rest Break

Aria Zoner

You work hard when you’re out hiking. It’s obvious. You go places! But how fast do you recover from it? Like lightning? Or like a desert tortoise? After a big day, or a strenuous push, use these 3 Recovery Hacks for the Rest Break to reset and regain homeostasis – a place of fulfillment, balance, and overall wellness.

DJ FreedomTrain – Rested and recovered after a big day of hiking


3 Ways to Recovery Fast on a Rest Break


Recover Fast - Method #1: Sigh of Relief

When you reach your endpoint, or better yet; when you reach each milestone along the way, let out your best sigh of relief. You’ll likely do this anyway, unconsciously, after surpassing something stressful, but the idea here is to do it even if the miles were mundane or relatively uneventful.

DJ FreedomTrain Braves the Unknown – then lets out a sigh of relief

Need inspiration? Imagine as if you had just found a way to cross a raging river that almost made you have to turn back. Imagine that because of your actions alone, you got across and got to hike another day. Imagine that you just did something that at first you thought you couldn’t do, and how good it feels to have now done that. Then let it out, semi-forcefully! AHH!!!

While usually associated with a somber feeling, sighs can also trigger an emotional feeling of satisfaction, for a job well done. This releasing of stress is my primary defense against it.

On top of relieving stress, Sighs of Relief prevent carbon dioxide from building up in the body while hiking which can help with acclimating to altitude.


Recover Fast - Method #2: Inversions

Got 2 minutes? Sure you do, you’re on a rest break. See how to do a proper inversion plus learn the recovery benefits of them, in this quick video:

WATCH: How to do a Proper Inversion

Warning: You’re going to fall heels over head for this one!

(Yoga by Laura Kasperzak)


Recover Fast - Method #3: Foliar Feeding

Foliar feeding is a technique used by gardeners to improve the health and production of their plants and to increase a plants tolerance to extreme temperatures. It’s well-known that “plants take in nutrients more efficiently through stomata (plant pores) in their leaves than they do through root uptake.” The same principal, and in some cases the same micronutrients, apply when it comes to our own skin.

Put lotions, essential oils, tinctures, salves, etc. – into trip-sized bottles

Here are 5 ways to utilize Foliar Feeding during a rest break:

  1. For Hygiene: Use Neem Oil (For 39 Fascinating Uses and Benifits of Neem Oil, go here.)

  2. For First Aid: Use Tea Tree Oil

  3. To Smell Good: Use Lavender, Ylang Ylang, or Rosemary Essential Oils

  4. For Skin Protection: Look for lotions with Silica, Coconut Oil & Vit. E

  5. For Healing Injuries: Look for lotions with MSM, Glucosamine & Arnica

Upgrade your concept of lotion to a Foliar Fed medicine that will heal, rejuvenate, and uplift you. And since applying it is mandatory, the micro-massage needed to do so becomes a beneficial byproduct.

Now this, is what I call recovering fast!


In Summary:

Recover fast during your rest breaks by:

  1. Taking in a deep breath, then letting out your best Sigh of Relief.

  2. Doing an Inversion.

  3. Foliar Feeding yourself!



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